Regrow Hair with Laser Light.

Laser Hair Restoration

Stop hair loss and regrow your own hair, naturally. Using cold laser technology, you can restore your own head of hair safely, painlessly and permanently with no drugs, no surgery and no side effects. A better option for patients that creates lasting results.


According to the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology) 50% of men and 35% of women suffer from hair loss, a progressive disease that may affect confidence, self-esteem, job opportunities and personal relationships.

The average person loses about 100 hairs per day from the Resting (Telogen) Phase. Excessive hair loss occurs when more that 100 hairs per day are lost. For male and female pattern hair loss, this increase in hair loss is typically caused by the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). As DHT builds up, the hair follicles begin to weaken and it becomes more and more difficult for the body to flush out the DHT quickly.


Eventually, DHT disrupts the normal hair cycle, shortening the Growth Stage. This causes the hair follicles to miniaturize and consequently produce the shorter, weaker hair that is characteristic of thinning hair. In the continued presence of DHT, hair follicles may keep shrinking until they no longer produce hair and permanent baldness results.

Traditional non-invasive treatments require patients to take a drug or use topical medications, such as Propecia TM or Minoxidil every day for the rest of their life. Some of these prescribed drugs are not particularly safe for female use and many men report experiencing serious sexual side effects. Other more invasive treatments, such as transplants and PRP, require costly and painful surgeries, or the use of injections.

We are here to offer a better solution by proudly employing the Sunetics Laser at our facility. The Sunetics Laser offers patients a hair loss solution with No Pain, No Drugs, No Surgery and No Side Effects!


Unlike drugs and topical mediations, the Sunetics Laser energy heals the follicle at the cellular level, creating results that last, unlike many drugs and topicals. Low Level Laser Therapy has clinically proven results that show 99% of patients see a decrease in excess shedding and a stabilization in their hair loss. Furthermore, 90% plus of patients see measurable regrowth!

There are no needles, no incisions, no need for anesthesia, and no recovery time. This procedure is convenient for most patients and only lasts 20 minutes. During their treatments, they can read, work on their laptop, listen to music, or just relax. Patients go right back to routine activities as there is no down tome and no side effects.


Safe, Proven, and Effective: the Sunetics Hair Growth Laser is the first Clinical Laser to be FDA cleared to grow hair and treat hair loss in both men and women.

In order for a device to legally marketed to the public or medical professionals, it first needs to be approved by the FDA for safety and efficacy.

The Sunetics Clinical Laser was approved by the FDA to treat Androgenetic Alopecia (Male and Female Pattern Baldness) in December of 2013 and is rated as an NSR (Non-Significant Risk) class II medical device.

How is the laser going to grow my hair?

The science behind the Hair Growth Laser is simple: Laser Light Heals the Follicle.

Studies show that Low Level Laser Therapy is able to:

  • Increase the production of ATP to energize & repair the weakened follicle

  • Increase blood micro-circulation to the follicle

  • Increase the nutrient acquisition by the follicle

  • Increase oxygen uptake and calcium ion mobilization

  • Increase the rate of removal of harmful DHT

  • Decrease follicular inflammation

The increase in cellular activity and removal of harmful DHT allows the follicle to heal and regrow normal, healthy hairs.

Stages of Results

Results from Hair Growth Laser Therapy come in 3 stages:

  1. In the First Stage, patients see a reduction in excessive hair loss. This happens in 99% of patients.

  2. In the Second Stage, the existing hair gets thicker, fuller, shinier, and healthier as the follicle begins to heal.

  3. In the Third Stage, the miniaturized hairs begin to grow into thick, normal sized hairs.


The standard Treatment Protocol is:

  • Twice a week for 3 months

  • Once a week for 3 months

  • If additional treatments are needed, the patient can come in twice a month for up to 6 additional months.

All 3 Stages in 8 months

All 3 Stages in 8 months

All 3 Stages in 6 months

All 3 Stages in 6 months

Results Timeline:

Patients will vary in response time.

  • The Early Responders can successfully move through all 3 stages and see dramatic results in as early as 2-3 months into the laser therapy protocol.

  • The Average Responders see hair growth around the 6 month mark, which is at the top of the bell curve. This is where the majority of patients see stage 3 results.

  • The Late Responders may not experience stage 3 results until as late as 10-11 months after starting treatments. They can move through stages 1 and 2 while stage 3 results take longer.


Stop hair loss and regrow your own hair, naturally.



Are there any side effects from the laser?

No. A benefit of this treatment over others is that it has no side effects.

Does it hurt?

No, it does not hurt at all.

Can I get burned from the laser?

No. Unlike other “hot” lasers that produce thermal reactions, this type of laser does not. It is considered a “cold” type laser, not because it’s cold, but because it does not generate any heat.

Do I need special eye protection?

No eye protection is required. Since you are not directly looking into the laser diodes, there is no risk of eye injury. But if you feel more comfortable with eye protection, we do have some eye goggles available.

Does it work on ALL types of hair loss?

The laser works on 95% of all hair loss. It doesn’t work in areas where the follicles are no longer viable. This is usually indicated by smooth shiny scalp that has been that way for several years. This will be determined at the time of your initial consultation.

If I dye my hair, will it affect the therapy?

Not at all, as long as there is no dye or hair product on the scalp.

How long will it take to see results?

Results will vary per individual and the extent of their hair loss. On average, measurable results will be attainable around the 6 month point.

How often can I get a treatment?

Standard treatment protocol is usually 2-3 times per week for the first 3 months; 1-2 times per week for months 4 through 6. There must be, at least, one day between visits to allow the scalp to benefit from the previous days treatment.

Will any medications affect the treatment?

Possibly. Because laser treatments are a light based treatment there may be a skin sensitivity if the patient is taking medication that could cause photosensitivity (sensitivity to light) resulting in a possible sunburn type of reaction.

Are there any medical conditions that would prevent me from getting treatment?

Yes. If you are experiencing any type of skin condition that would be made worse with exposure to light, such as certain skin cancers, chemotherapy, etc., you might not be a candidate for this treatment. It is important you discuss any medical conditions with the doctor at the time of consultation and/or first treatment.

Is there any down time?

No, there is no down time. You can resume any and all of your regular daily activities immediately after your treatment.

How long is the treatment?

Each treatment session is 20 minutes. The first and last visit of a series will be longer in order to review your progress and discuss any recommendations.

Do I have to take special care of my scalp after treatment?

No, you will continue to resume your regular personal care unless you choose to purchase any specialized herbal topical treatments for further hair growth enhancement.